What Is Kubernetes Pods

Anish Antony
12 min readFeb 22, 2022

In this article, we are looking into the details of Kubernetes pods. The pods are the basic units of Kubernetes. The docker containers are placed inside the pod. In this article, let’s understand the concept of Kubernetes pods theoretically as well as practically.

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

What is a pod?

The Pods are the basic deployable units of Kubernetes. All remaining Kubernetes components are built on top of Pod. In a Pod, it contains one or more Docker containers and in the Docker container, we are deploying our application. Also, we can deploy one or more applications in the Docker container.

But why do we need the Pod? The Docker container is enough for containerization? Actually, what Kubernetes does? When I heard about Kubernetes first time, these all questions come to my mind. I am really confused about Kubernetes and Docker.

The Docker is used to containerize your application. The Kubernetes is used for managing the containers. This means using Kubernetes you can manage network configuration between the containers, Shared storage configuration for the containers, setting replication factor and can define the deployment structure of your application.

Comes to Kubernetes structure, the basic unit of Kubernetes is Pod. A Pod can contain one or more docker containers. Using Pods, it can configure shared



Anish Antony

Fullstack Developer | Blogger | Experience on Java, Python, React, Angular, Golang | http://www.behindjava.com